最早我发的帖,经过 aluminumatom 翻译。原本被放在了纪实小组了,当时还没有街头这小组,再次转发。 ________________________________________________________________________ 扫街指南 常被问关于扫街的问题。没有简洁的答案,此文就试着解释解释扫街于我的意义,对摄影师好在哪,以及准备开始的全部细节。我不是专家,但我想我已经学会了基本知识,并已经认识到的一些重要的问题。本文很基础,但也有一些粗略的分析。 1. 啥是扫街 一个常见的说法是,街头摄影是拍或多或少空荡荡的街... -
作者:Sue Anne Tay( ) 翻译:刘淼 英文原文链接: 中文链接: 数周前,来自Shanghai Scrap的朋友Adam Minter就摄影以及搜集上海街头故事采访了我。有人能对我的关于中国街头摄影的博客感兴趣,我感到很高兴,写作这一博客为我带来了新的朋友、合作,以及数不清的有趣交谈。 最近,来自著名摄影博客“1416教室”的任悦(她也是北京的一位教授)为回应我的访问,提出了一些关于街头摄影的问题,我说,我喜欢各种各样... -
- About Street Photography原文地址: used with permission from Alex WebbOne of the street photographers who have had a strong impact on my street photography is Alex Webb. Webb is a Magnum photographer who uses strong colors, light, and emotion to capture beautifully complex images. After picking up a copy of Alex Webb’s “The Suffering of Light” I fell in love with his work and his... -
每天都有逛Flickr的习惯,今天翻看Pensiero 的片子,方知此不幸。两个都是我喜欢的摄影师,只是之前不知道两人认识。事情经过 Hughes 的个人网页: Flickr: - 现在减价,只要11刀。Taschen出品就知道是很大众的书。算不上什么传世巨作,但240页A3大小的书,实在是对得起这个价钱了。收录了1848年开始到90年代诸如,Robert Doisneau, Jeanloup Sieff, William Klein,Willy Ronis, Izis Bidermanas 的作品。算是个巴黎浮世绘。 PS: 亮点在于百年前的黑白画质没比今天的数码差到哪里去,证明了我底片够大我怕谁的定理。 -
- 顿时就对相机防水感兴趣了。顺便再附上 5 Tips on Shooting in the Streets -
Before i was street photographer, or even a photographer, I was a walker-most native New Yorker are. I would(and still do) choose to walk the long way home. At some point the camera became a part of the walking - Gus Powell At a time when staged narrativeres and rendered images are popular, I am excited by the fact that life itself offers situations far more strange and beautiful than anything I could set up - Melanie Einzig if you can smell the street by looking at the photo, it´s a street p... -